Frequently Asked Questions.


What kind of research do you do?

We study E-Vape, Inhalation, Alcohol Vapor, and Drug Dependency.

Do you create custom equipment?

Yes! Our core client base requests custom equipment designed to their specific needs of their lab and experiments.

What kind of drugs can this equipment use?

Alcohol, THC, Nicotine, Methamphetamine, MDMA, and more. Basically any substance that you can dissolve down into an oil, you can vape.

How many research papers are generated using this equipment?

We are cited in several articles on Research Gate and NCBI. You can check out some of them here.

Have you received any grants?

Over the course of nearly 20 years, our portfolio has received over 3.4 million in grants. In addition, we have received, contributed to and helped other science based organizations receive millions of dollars in research grants with our equipment.

Who are some of your clients?

We have a long list of clients who have been using our equipment for the last 18 years.

Scripps Research Clinic, San Diego State University, University of San Diego, UCLA, UC Irvine, Washington State, University of Calgary, Howard University, Texas A&M University, University of Houston, Louisiana State University, Research Triangle International, University of North Carolina, Duke University, Marshall University, Virginia Tech University, NIH, Johns Hopkins, University of Binghamton, Villanova, University of Pennsylvania, Minnesota University, University of Arkansas, University of Maryland, Penn State College, University of Iowa, and many other International Universities.